Monday, March 31, 2008

Prin's Pink Diamonds

A couple of days ago I was wandering around looking for sparklie e-mail birthday cards for the boy because he loves things that sparkle. I guess he got that honest, although I do love to pick on him about it from time to time. I ran across a site that has multitudes. They also have blogger layouts. This, to me, is very cool because I don't particularly like what blogger itself has to offer. They are functional but so very boring and restrictive. I found one on this site that I love...because I love pink diamonds. I set it up but did not post to it...needed to think about what I wanted to do with it. Guess what? Google's spiders decided it was a spam blog and locked it. Now I have to wait for them to review and unlock it. This doesn't really bother me because it gives me more time to think and more time to contact people.
Lately, I have been very impressed with what I am reading, primarily from women bloggers. So, since it is a girly, girl layout and all pink and such I'm thinking of maybe having a place for female guest bloggers to come to post about their wishes, their dreams,desires, post their prose or artistic expression in whatever form we/they come up with.
Maybe this idea stems from a secret desire to have my own clubhouse. I grew up with four rough and tumble male cousins and could rough and tumble with the best of them, but the one thing they would gang up on me about was the tree guessed it...No Girls Allowed :) As mad as it made me then, I think now I probably didn't really want to be up there :) Nope, not going any further with that one.
So leave me a comment and let me know what you think, if you would like to post, if you know of anyone who would post, etc, etc.
Now I'll give you a little bit on pink diamonds...I could tell you why I changed my mind about pink but I'll save that for the ppd blog.
If you would like to read up on pink diamonds Wikipedia has some good articles....the Steinmetz is the largest cut pink diamond to date weighing in at just under 60 carats. Woo Hoo!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy Birthday! My Most Awesome Son!

Nineteen years ago today the moon was full and you could wait no longer, even though your idiot mom thought it would be so cool to have a child on April Fool's Day :) I thank God that you had the good sense to have none of that foolishness. I have thanked God for your very existence every day of your life...even through your worst times, which were few and far between. I don't talk about you much on this blog, in fact, I think I've only mentioned your birth story and how funny that was. You are way too special to talk about on a random day in a random way. You are the most wonderful child I could have ever been blessed with and even though I get grouchy sometimes I have no complaints because I know that you are one of a kind, the closest thing to perfection I have ever witnesses in another human being and I am truly blessed to have you. I'm sure there are other children out there that have to do what you do, but I'm also just as sure that there are no other children that do it with such grace. You were on my team when I decided to go back to school, even though you knew it would mean major sacrifice for the both of us, but for you especially. You sacrificed willingly and happily for our greater good. I just want to take time on this day to say that I appreciate all that you've done and promise I will make it up to you one day. I love you with all my heart. Mom

Winter Soldier Carries On

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bazooka Joe's Anti-Psychiatry Blog

This blog just fascinates the hell out of me...I just get lost in it. The link associated with the title will take you to the very first month of his writings. As a child abuse survivor, I can relate. I guess that's why it fascinates me so. As a social worker I take offense to some of it but realize he has a right to his own feelings born from his own experience and environment. The reason the link takes you to the first of his posts is that there are some beautiful poems on that first page. I remember when my abuse used to inspire me to write such prose and it makes me smile, even given the subject matter because I know he's come a long way and he's going to be alright....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thank You Granny Peace Brigade!!!

Thank you to the Granny Peace Brigade for leaving a comment providing us with the link for the YouTube video of the Atlanta Grandmothers being arrested for a peaceful demonstration. If you would like to donate to help with their legal expenses please send check or money order to:

Grandmothers Legal Defense Fund
Georgia Peace & Justice Coalition/Atlanta
PO Box 133016
Atlanta, Georgia 30333

on the memo line write: Grandmothers Legal Defense

Here is the video:

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

This is What a Feminist Looks Like

Southern Poverty Law Center--What You Can Do

The Granny Peace Brigade

I knew I would find a video of it. I hoped there would be one of them trying to enlist in Atlanta but this is all I could find.

Social Work Library@Boston College Blog

Click the title to be taken to an example of what I started out to do with my blog...what I had in mind... I would be depressed now, realizing the difference, except for the fact that my site, encompassing six separate blogs, I believe is much more comprehensive. I would just copy and paste the links I found on there and put them into the appropriate blogs here, but I believe Ms Kate Silfen deserves the credit for what she has done, so I will simply suggest that you go check it out. The blog is clean, neat, no-mess, no music, just up-to-date information that social work students at Boston College would need. There is a much similar blog done by A Sutton, the librarian at UIUC. I'm not going to include a link for her work. I wrote her a long email before spring break asking to be included on her list and she couldn't be bothered to even respond. Spiteful, I know.... :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Joan Wile--Anti-War Granny

This post is from Joan Wile's used to be "Old but Cool" blog. This is where I get some of my anti-war posts. This is one of those posts, I must warn you...put your coffee down and swallow before you read it. All I have to say is YOU GO GIRLS!!!

Grandmothers in 20 Cities Protest Occupation; Some Get Arrested

With knitting needles, with dirty linen clotheslines, many with songs, and some with acts of civil disobedience, grandmother groups across the United States in at least 20 cities expressed their frustration, their deep rage at the continued occupation of Iraq. This was the granny was of commemorating the end of five years since the bombing of Iraq on March 19, 2003.

The coordinated granny actions, initiated by the Granny Peace Brigade in New York City, were the latest ones demonstrating once again that the grandmothers of America have been in the forefront of the peace movement since Day One of the U.S. catastrophic invasion of a sovereign nation.

Perhaps the most noteworthy of the protests was that carried out in Atlanta, Georgia, on March 17, where 10 members of the Atlanta Grandmothers for Peace were arrested and jailed for 10 hours when they attempted to enlist in the military at a recruiting center. Said Doris Benit, 80, one of the arrestees: "We believe our young people were sent to Iraq on a web of lies and deceit. We believe they are being used as cannon fodder in an illegal and unjustified war against a nation which posed no threat to us.”

Very whimsical Knit-Ins for Peace were held in New York City, Washington DC, Pittsburgh PA, and other cities. They were outdoor events which involved grandmothers knitting stump socks for amputee veterans. The New York Granny Peace Brigade valiantly knit in the rain for about two hours outside the Times Square recruiting center where they had been arrested and carted off to jail in 2005 for attempting to enlist, while calling out the numbers of dead and wounded from each state. The oldest granny, and perhaps the most vociferously protesting one there, was 93-year-old Marie Runyon. Part of the New York group, along with some members of the Granny Peace Brigade Philadelphia and Maryland women, went to Washington, where they knit in rocking chairs outside the Veterans Administration, and when they had completed knitting a number of the stump covers, had a Veteran for Peace color guard hand them over to a VA official. Fifteen Pittsburgh grannies, the oldest of which is 84, participated in their Knit-In at a recruiting station, as pictured below.

(Pittsburgh grandmothers knitting at a local recruiting center March 19, 2008; photo by Bonnie Fortune)

Another creative demonstration was that in Philadelphia, where the grannies hung a laundry line at City Hall and hung the dirty linen of the Bush administration on it -- each item of clothing inscribed with a plea to correct the many wrongs of the Government The Philly grannies, like most of the other granny groups, sang anti-war songs during their protests.
(some of the dirty linen hung at City Hall in Philadelphia PA March 19, 2008.
photo by Cathy Clemens)

In Orange County, NY, a group of grandmas met with State University students on campus in Middletown, and urged them to participate in the anti-war movement. In spite of pouring rain, there was a good turnout and the students were surprisingly receptive. The older women had a sense that young people are beginning to take more action in the struggle to end the war.

150 people stood on four corners in Sarasota, Florida. Eight stalwart grandmothers in Boston held a vigil on Boston Common in a drenching downpour. Other groups that participated were in Spokane; Minneapolis; Detroit; Albany NY; Monkato MN; San Francisco; Montpelier VT; San Jose CA; Bloomington IND; Portland, Maine; St. Augustine FL, and Denver.

(Raging Grannies in Tucson AZ hold Knit-In for Peace on March 19, 2008)

Amazingly, a lot of the granny protests got wide media coverage in their areas. This represents a kind of breakthrough, as it has been difficult to get publicity for the many grandmother anti-war activities conducted over the last five years since the war was launched..

At least two grandmothers got arrested when a group of protesters prevented entrance to the IRS in Washington DC -- Beverly Rice of the New York Granny Peace Brigade and Sue Gracey of the Boston Raging grannies। Three other Granny Peace Brigade members -- Ann Shirazi, Jenn Heinz and Joan Pleune, were arrested in DC when they marched on the Capital.

When grandmothers are willing to risk arrest and jail, as so many of us old ladies do on a regular basis these days, you know this war is despised and must be ended. We grannies are not getting any younger and our energy is not what it was in our earlier days -- but we keep on keeping on knowing we will not be here forever and earnestly hoping that we are inspiring other and younger people to carry on our urgent quest when we no longer can.
Posted by Joan Wile at 9:48 AM"

I'm having a great day...can you tell???

Behind the Illusion

I've had this blog in my reader for quite some time now. Some of it's subject matter is painful...too painful to find words for or to even read on a regular basis. I might also be a little mad at her for leaving and not coming back...but, hey, I do understand a girl's got to make a living. Today I'm going to post, in it's entirety, an article I found through her site. Believe it or don't. After all, it's only yet another story of the powerful trying to destroy the poor. It's we keep coming back...

Levees Blown
Say Eyewitnesses -
Media Ignores Them

Eye Witnesses Living Near 17th St. Levee
Say Loud Explosion Heard Just Prior
To Raging Waters Flooding The 9th Ward

By Greg Szymanski
Eye witnesses are starting to come forward, some only a block away from the 17th St Canal levee break, saying they heard a loud, powerful explosion right before water starting gushing in, as they ended up in a matter of minutes floating downstream on their rooftops.
Terry Adams, who lives one block away from the 17th St. break, remembers hearing what sounded "like a bomb going off" from where the levee gave-way before rushing water forced him to his rooftop.
"Everything was calm, it was late at night and the storm had passed. I thought we had dodged a bullet and there was no water in my house and I was only a block away from the 17 th St. break," said Adams, a lower 9th Ward resident, in an extended conversation this week from New Orleans.
"Then I heard what sounded like a bomb go off from the direction of where the levee gave-way and within a matter of minutes I was forced up on my roof where I floated for about a mile into town before somehow getting to safety."
Asked if he was sure he heard an explosion, he added: "Water breaking a levee isn't going to make the noise I heard and besides, the levee should have broke before or during the storm, not afterward.
"I heard an explosion and so did a lot of other people. It came right from where the levee broke. What else could it have been but somebody blowing up the levee?"
The question of how the levee burst in one gigantic place at the 17th St. and London Ave. drainage canals, estimated by some to be a gaping hole three football fields long, as well as a number of other locations, has been on the minds of other local residents from the lower 9 th Ward besides Adams, many hearing the same explosions but being ignored by the mainstream media, putting their accounts in the realm of conspiracy theorists.
For example, whenever the subject of the levees being intentionally detonated comes up, most mainstream commentators like ABC's Michel Martin, dismiss even the slightest possibility of foul play, appeasing Black listeners with comments such as this:
"Anybody with any knowledge of history can understand why a lot of people can feel this way, but any real possibility that the levies were intentionally exploded must be dismissed."
However, according to Ryan Washington, a long time New Orleans bus driver and former resident of the lower 9th Ward who grew up playing football on top the levee, said the possibility of government dirty work and foul play isn't so far fetched.
Now living in nearby Slidell, also hard hit by the hurricane, he has talked to numerous eye witnesses who say the exact same thing as Adams, insisting the levee was blown up and didn't give-way by natural means.
Washington also said the media should not concentrate on testimony from experts, new commentators and government officials, who have biased opinions, buy emphasis should be placed on interviewed the hundreds if not thousands of people who heard or saw something the night the levees blew.
"Why don't they talk to the people who were there? Why are they relying on government experts who have a reason to hide the truth? I personally am gathering a list of people, a long list, who saw and heard what really happened that night," said Washington, in a telephone conversation this week from New Orleans.
He added that government officials have been wanted to get hold of the valuable lower 9th Ward property ever since 1965 when Hurricane Betsy flooded the area and the same suspicions of foul play circulated through his neighborhood.
"I even have talked to many reporters on the scene and tell them to get the story from the horse's mouth and talk to the people," said Washington, adding it's easier to hear and learn the real truth on a city bus than behind the veil of city hall and the corrupted television cameras.
"The stories about people hearing and seeing explosions, as well as stories about bomb residue being found at the scene, never see the light of day or get in the papers or on television.
"And if they do, these stories are always dismissed as being crazy or discredited by experts or government officials, who I personally don't believe one bit."
According to Washington, several important factors convince him beyond a reasonable doubt that the levees were blown intentionally to racially cleanse the city, as well as the first step in a redevelopment plan to put up high rise casinos and hotels in the lower 9 th Ward.
"First, they always say that explosion was a power generator. But the power was off when the levees blew and the power station they were talking about was not in the vicinity of where the explosions were heard," said Washington. "Next, they say the barge in the canal broke the levees. I never once saw a barge in the canal in all the years I lived there.
"Also, if it did plow through the levee, it never would have made such a noise or cause an immediate break three football fields long. Further, why were immediately on the scene to fence of the levees so no one could see what happened when it too them more than 10 days in some cases to rescue people. What are they hiding?
"Please someone from the media come down here and get the real story as I have talked to so many people who feel the same way I do. The government has been trying to get our land since 1965 and they are still trying today."
Besides numerous residents suspecting foul play, New York filmmaker Spike Lee in October Lee said on Friday night's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, that he believes Louis Farakhan's allegation that a levee was blown up to flood the nearly all-Black 9th Ward.
Lee added that "a choice had to be made, one neighborhood got to save another neighborhood and flood another 'hood, flood another neighborhood." He then engaged in a heated battle of words with neo con shill and MSNBC reporter, bow tied Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Lee as conspiracy theorist spreading paranoia and fear.
At this point the short exchange between the two shows Carlson's true colors as a government propagandist and as far from being a journalist as George W. Bush himself:
Lee: "Presidents have been assassinated. So why is that so far-fetched? Do you think that election in 2000 was fair? You don't think that was rigged If they can rig an election, they can do anything!"
Carlson: "I was in New Orleans right after the hurricane in the ninth ward. And while I didn't hear anybody say the levee was blown up by the federal government, I did interview a bunch of people who were stuck there who said they believed this was part of the conspiracy to rid New Orleans of black people. They honestly believed that. I didn't argue with them, I just listened to what they said and I felt bad for them. So as you sit here -- who is someone who is rich and has option -- and are watched by people who are poor and have no options, it seems to me it's your responsibility, your obligation to tell them the truth and you know the truth, which is the federal government did not blow up the levees so don't feed the paranoia and the crazies."
Lee: "First of all, how's that feeding the paranoia?"
Carlson: "Because you're saying it's entirely possible when you know perfectly well it's not possible."
Lee: "How's it not possible?"
Although numerous questions remain unanswered about the reason behind the levee controversy, one question never posed was how could a man like Carlson ever call himself a fair-minded journalist after comments made on Real Time?
"I know why," said Washington. "These journalists are as corrupt as the government folks they write about. I'm only a bus driver but I know the difference between right and wrong and the media is dead wrong by not covering this story fairly.
One of the biggest controversies still brewing is the preliminary results of the three main investigatory groups looking at why the levees erupted. The groups, all tied to government interests, include the National Science Foundation in conjunction with the American Society of Civil Engineers; the United States Army Corps of Engineers; and the third group being funded by the State of Louisiana, led by scientists at the Louisiana State University hurricane center.
Although each investigation is independent of the other, scientists claim to be sharing data, coming to some surprising preliminary conclusions, one of which could have enormous consequences.
In a recent article by John M. Barry analyzing the data from the three groups, he looks at some of the suspicious preliminary questions, raising even more questions of how could the 17th St. levee break with such a small storm surge emanating from Lake Pontchartrain not the Gulf of Mexico.
"We know that Hurricane Katrina made landfall with enormous power, devastating the Gulf Coast, and that the levee on the Industrial Canal in New Orleans was overtopped by a storm surge coming directly from the Gulf of Mexico. When a levee is overtopped, there is basically nothing that can be done. Water pouring over a levee long enough will, in effect, wash part of the levee away. That's what happened on the Industrial Canal, resulting in the flooding of part of the Ninth Ward, along with much of St. Bernard and Plaquemines Parishes.
"But most of New Orleans was not flooded by water coming directly from the Gulf. It was flooded from the north and rear by Lake Pontchartrain , when levees failed along the 17th Street and London Avenue drainage canals. Initially, the Corps of Engineers said that the storm was so great that it overtopped these levees also.
"But after inspecting the levees and reviewing storm data, all three investigating teams agree: Hurricane Katrina hit Lake Pontchartrain with far less strength than it did the Gulf Coast, and the storm surge fell well short of the tops of the levees. In fact, a design or construction flaw caused them to collapse in the face of a force they were designed to hold. In other words, if the levies had performed as they were supposed to, the deaths in New Orleans proper, the scenes in the Superdome and the city's devastation would never have taken place."
For more informative articles, go to
Greg Szymanski


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Friday, March 21, 2008


Since the banks are wreaking havoc on peoples lives these days and we might all be homeless tomorrow or next week or in a few months I thought I would share this most exquisite site with you. So if you are homeless or think you might be shortly then please go to her site and start learning how to live on the road. She will tell you things that you have not as yet imagined that you would ever need. Be sure to check out the sidebar and archives as they are well worth the read.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Child Poverty and Family Economic Hardship: 10 Important Questions

I thought I would share some charts with you today. When I read the article it was mostly yada, yada, yada stuff to me, but then I thought it's probably because I have been reading this stuff for the past five years. I don't totally agree with some of the statistics because I think they are somewhat out of date. They don't take into account the vast increases of the past year, but I did think you might be interested in three of the charts. They do, after all, come from the National Center for Children in Poverty, Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health. If you would like to read the entire pdf just click the title to this post.

2008 Poverty Guidelines
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Persons in Family or Household
1 $10,400
2 14,000
3 17,600
4 21,200
5 24,800
6 27,610
7 31,090
8 34,570
For each additional person, add 3,480

Children by family income, 2006
Above low income
100-200% FPL
Less than
100% FPL
Source: Estimates prepared by the National Center for Children in
Poverty from the Current Population Survey, Annual Social and
Economic Supplement, March 2006.

Low-income children by race/ethnicity, 2006
American Indian
1% (0.3 million)
3% (0.8 million)
(6.5 million)
(9.2 milion)
(11.0 million)

You would be amazed at the number of social workers I have encountered in the raising of my child that practically sneered their questions at me because I was white and what the hell was I doing there asking for help. I'm not going any further with that statement. I did really need the help, so I just looked down at that beautiful child of mine and knew that no matter what I had to do or say or bear he was going to get what he deserved.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How To Clean Up a Flourescent Bulb

Please click the title of this blog post to read the article on why you should know the proper way to clean up those florescent bulbs we have all been so diligent about using. Seems as though the amount of Mercury in one of them can poison 6,000 gallons of water(among other things) as opposed to a regular incandescent bulb which only poisons 1,000 gallons of water.

How to clean up a fluorescent bulb

Before cleanup: Vent the room
1. Open a window and leave the room for 15 minutes or more.
2. Shut off the central forced-air heating/air conditioning system, if you have one.

Cleanup steps for hard surfaces
3. Carefully scoop up glass fragments and powder using stiff paper or cardboard and place them in a glass jar with metal lid (such as a canning jar) or in a sealed plastic bag.
4. Use sticky tape, such as duct tape, to pick up any remaining small glass fragments and powder.
5. Wipe the area clean with damp paper towels or disposable wet wipes and place them in the glass jar or plastic bag.
6. Do not use a vacuum or broom to clean up the broken bulb on hard surfaces.

Cleanup steps for carpeting or rug
3. Carefully pick up glass fragments and place them in a glass jar with metal lid (such as a canning jar) or in a sealed plastic bag.
4. Use sticky tape, such as duct tape, to pick up any remaining small glass fragments and powder.
5. If vacuuming is needed after all visible materials are removed, vacuum the area where the bulb was broken.
6. Remove the vacuum bag (or empty and wipe the canister), and put the bag or vacuum debris in a sealed plastic bag.

Disposal of cleanup materials
7. Immediately place all cleanup materials outside the building in a trash container or outdoor protected area for the next normal trash.
8. Wash your hands after disposing of the jars or plastic bags containing cleanup materials.
9. Check with your local or state government about disposal requirements in your specific area. Some states prohibit such trash disposal and require that broken and unbroken lamps be taken to a recycling center.

Future cleaning of carpeting or rug
10. For at least the next few times you vacuum, shut off the central forced-air heating/air conditioning system and open a window prior to vacuuming.
11. Keep the central heating/air conditioning system shut off and the window open for at least 15 minutes after vacuuming is completed.
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Obama--The True Meaning of Grace

If you haven't already heard Obama's latest speech discussing race in this country, Alternet has a good one Politics Unusual: Obama Abandons Blame Game in Sophisticated Discussion of Race that includes the video of the speech. I encourage each and every one of you to listen to the video...and then listen again and again until you truly understand what this awesome man is really saying. I have never in my long life heard one man epitomize such true grace, dignity and eloquence when speaking about healing racial disparities. I honestly never thought I would see it in my lifetime.

In stumbling around this morning I found a pretty cool site for all of us "visual" learners out there. It's not totally free which is not in keeping with the basis of my site but you can try it out for free. It is Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus. Here is an example of how it displays the information for you:


(Christian theology) the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God "God's grace is manifested in the salvation of sinners"; "there but for the grace of God go I"

a short prayer of thanks before a meal

a disposition to kindness and compassion; benign good will "the victor's grace in treating the vanquished"

a sense of propriety and consideration for others

elegance and beauty of movement or expression

(Bhristian theology) a state of sanctification by God; the state of one who under such divine influence "the conception of grace developed alongside the conception of sin"; "it was debated whether saving grace could be obtained outside the membership of the church"; "the Virgin lived in a state of grace"

be beautiful to look at "Flowers adorned the tables everywhere"

make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc. "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day"
animate your vocabulary.
© 2008, Thinkmap, inc. All Rights Reserved. | Privacy Policy
8K View Download

It is interactive so you can slide your mouse over each one of the circles for a more detailed definition of the word. It is so cool! I love new toys, especially word toys :) Have a Great Day and as always Happy Searching!

Monday, March 17, 2008

See...I'm not the only one wondering about Bush's sanity...

Go take a look at this recent article from AlterNet.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Irag Veterans Against the War

Thought I'd share this email:

Dear IVAW supporter,

I'm here at Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan with 250 members of Iraq Veterans Against the War and military families who have gathered to testify about the realities of the occupations. Our community is strong as we share our stories and build our resolve to bring the occupations to an end.

We are in the midst of history in the making, as eyewitness accounts of the occupations unfold before our (sometimes tearful) eyes, and thousands watch from screenings around the world, on the satellite broadcast, and live via our website at

The experience can only be described as moving. To build our movement, I'm writing today to ask for your financial support. If you are moved by the Winter Solider testimony, I invite you to give online now.

As BBC news reported today, at the first Winter Soldier events in 1971, "their harrowing stories helped turn American public opinion against the war."

The impact of our 2008 Winter Soldier testimony is just beginning to unfold. Winter Soldier has been featured in the Middle East Edition of Stars and Stripes, the Washington Post and MSNBC, an in the Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Times and Marine Corps Times.

One year ago we had 300 members. Today, we are on the brink of 1,000 - with veterans and troops joining online every hour of Winter Soldier!

We need your financial support to build the antiwar movement in the ranks of the military, and birth a new generation of GI resistance.

Today, together, we can end this war - but it will take a powerful alliance of GIs, Veterans, Military Families, Unions, Students, People of Faith, and people like you.

Watch Winter Soldier online - live this weekend, and archived forever.

Give to IVAW online, and thank you for all of your support and efforts to end the occupations.

Kelly Dougherty
Former Sergeant, Army National Guard
Executive Director
Iraq Veterans Against the War

P.S. Broadcasting Winter Soldier around the world is amazing, and expensive. Please make an online donation today! You can also send a check or money order made out to "IVAW" to PO Box 8296, Philadelphia, PA 19101.

IVAW is proud to receive our 501(c)-3 tax exempt status through the sponsorship of Veterans For Peace:
Visit the Iraq Veterans Against the War website

Now If I Just Had a Man... :)

I had a man once that loved this song and we loved our Sunday mornings :)

Friday, March 14, 2008

My Sweet Lord....

Edit: Deleted all but "My Sweet Lord" They were making my page load way to slow :) Hope you enjoyed it while it was up :)

It's been a long, long week. Thank you my sweet Lord for helping me get through it....

My Sweet Lord

And since I finally figured out how to share youtube videos with my faithful readers and George Harrison has been on my mind lately, I think I'll share some more :)

I feel better now :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Vote for Obama: Postcard Writing Campaign. Adopt this Campaign for Your Area!

Pass It On:
Write Postcards for Barack

If you want to participate or if you want to help coordinate postcard writing in your area, send us an e-mail at

Here is how to participate in 3 easy steps:

STEP ONE: Individually or with other women in your community, purchase 10 or more postcards for each of you to write along with postcard stamps. If possible, purchase postcards that represent your city or state. HU note: for those of us in New York City, postcards showing other things or places would be better, though I'm kinda partial to those that show the Statue of Liberty. The federal court has ruled it's in New Jersey anyway.

STEP TWO: If writing postcards in a group, you might have a Postcard Party to get them all written and posted at the same time. Each postcard message should be brief and to the point - no more than 2-4 sentences. Here is a sample message:

Dear Fellow Voter,

I voted (or I am voting) for Barack Obama for President because he is the best candidate to bring our country together to solve the problems we are facing. This is the type of leadership we need right now. I hope that you will vote for Barack too.

Sincerely, (Sign Your Name, City and State)

Note from HU: feel free to fashion your own message, or mention those qualities of his that you think would have the most appeal to a woman from your state.
I may note his work to get medical care for veterans, his bi-partisan work to get under control dangerous radioactive materials loose in Russia, his work on ethics legislation, both in Illinois and in the US Senate. can tell you about his specific economic policies -- mortgage relief, for example. tracks legislation that's good for the most Americans. His grade for last year, A+. He has voted to support Social Security, for the government to negotiate for cheaper drugs for Medicare, and for the Children's Health Insurance Act. He advocates a strong policy of mortgage relief.

STEP THREE: Put stamps on each card, leave the return address and mailing address areas on each card blank (the cards will be addressed by volunteers), and mail all of your postcards together in an envelope(s) or box to:

c/o Volunteer Post Card Writing Campaign
193 E. Rich Street,
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Please mail your postcards no later than Monday, April 7th.

Don't forget to send an e-mail to to let us know that you will be participating. You should also send an e-mail to let us know that your postcards are on the way.

We look forward to hearing from you!!!

Note from HU: Please cc me at on the email to them if you're going to do this.

Thank you,

Helen Updike


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Salute Me I Voted!

That's what it says on my sticker anyway....

I love to vote! It just makes me feel like all is right with the least for this day :)

K, I'm ready for CHANGE now :)

Stand Up for Your Fourth Amendment Rights

Got this email today:

"At this point it seems that all is lost on FISA. It looks like in the process of negotiating a compromise with the Senate, the House will be forced to have an up-or-down vote on retroactive immunity. We shouldn't expect that vote to go our way.

But rather than getting mad while we watch the Fourth Amendment go up in flames, we're going to start getting even.

We've picked out some of most reactionary Democrats, and are turning it over to progressive activists like you to decide who the worst offenders are. We'll then run ads and robo-calls in their congressional districts to let their constituents know how poorly their Representative is representing their rights.

Go here to cast your vote and chip in to the effort to hold Congress accountable:

We're starting our effort to get even on several of the Blue Dog Democrats: John Barrow (GA-12), Leonard Boswell (IA-3), Chris Carney (PA-10), Brad Ellworth (IN-8), Zack Space (OH-18), and Heath Shuler (NC-11). This pack of conservatives may caucus the right way, but they actively work to undermine progressive values, including sending a letter to Speaker Pelosi last week encouraging her to grant the telecom companies retroactive immunity.

Since the final votes haven't been cast yet on FISA, hopefully we can shame some of them into righting their moral compass and voting against retroactive immunity. If not, we'll make sure that each one of their constituents knows about it.

Vote on your least favorite here:

Hopefully when it comes down to the wire, things will go our way, and the House Democrats will stand up for the rule of law. In the meantime, however, we would be naive not to start taking action to hold them accountable if they don't.

Thank you for taking action,

Jane Hamsher, Glenn Greenwald, Howie Klein, and the Firedoglake Team

P.S. This is just the first part of this effort. You can rest assured that we'll hold Republicans accountable for their role too."

Monday, March 10, 2008

I know they are being serious here, but...

I know they are being serious here and I would expect no less but this article reminded me of that strange girl in college... you know the one. The one with the blue-tinged skin, that ate only vegetables and not very many of them. The one with the hollowed out eyes, vehemently telling you about how the drinking water had all kinds of bad stuff in it. The one that was one step away from covering her room in tin foil.... I could go on, but you get the picture and I know wherever you went to college you knew a person like that :)
Maybe it was the writing style and not the content but this article just cracked me up, so if you need a dose of laughter this morning click the title of this post to go to the article. I think it was the serious comment that they found sex hormones in San Francisco's water :)

Friday, March 7, 2008

A Very Interesting Site Discovery

Start by clicking the title link. This will take you to the Government Printing Office. Then click A-Z Resources. Scroll down to "information by topic." This will take you to Scroll down to "Reference and General Government." Scroll down and click "Topic Specific Research." this will take you to click on "assistance." type in "mental health" this will take you to one of the greatest pages I've found in a long time. Go take a real good look at this page, then think long and hard about whether or not we can afford another republican in the White House. In fact, bookmark and go back often. ok, I am officially off the soapbox for today :)

...and if this doesn't bother you then...

.....I hate to be harsh but you might as well crawl back into your hole and not come out again until after the election, because your uninformed vote won't help anyway...

The President's Budget Fiscal Year 2009: Impact on the States

The administration released its fiscal year 2009 $3 trillion budget request on Monday, February 5. An overview of the budget proposal along with state-level breakdowns on selected programs are available.

Budget Cuts Continue in 2009

Domestic programs intended for needy communities and families suffer the biggest cuts under the President's proposed budget for fiscal year 2009, including Low-income Home Energy
Assistance, Community Development Block Grants, Housing Vouchers, and Child Care Assistance. Discretionary Grants to state and local governments would also be cut by 10 percent. Overall, the budget proposal for fiscal year 2009 cuts discretionary domestic programs not related to security by $2.4 billion.

War Spending Continues to Increase

Meanwhile, the President's fiscal year 2009 budget proposes an additional $70 billion in war-related spending, on top of the $102.4 billion the Administration continues to pursue for fiscal year 2008. The amount requested for fiscal year 2009 is merely a placeholder for the first few months of next fiscal year, vastly underestimating what would be required to continue the war in Iraq at the current level of involvement. The administration plans to seek additional funding for fiscal year 2009 in the Spring. The Iraq war has thus far cost $522 billion.

In addition to proposed war funding, the non-war military budget will increase by nearly 5% over that of fiscal year 2008 under this proposal, reaching $541 billion in fiscal year 2009. This includes funding for nuclear weapons under the Department of Energy budget.

Tax Cuts for Wealthy Made Permanent

The budget request makes permanent the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, the benefits of which will accrue to the wealthy. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the wealthiest 1 percent would receive 31 percent of the windfall over the next 10 years, the top 20 percent would receive 74 percent, and those in the lowest 60 percent of households would receive only 12 percent.

Large Deficits Continue

The combination of increases in military spending and tax cuts will contribute to deficits of $407 billion in 2009, and $410 billion in fiscal year 2008.

State-Level Tables

The tables below show the real cuts to each state for selected programs. The consumer price index (urban) as published in U.S. Budget of the Government, Analytical Perspectives, FY2009, Table 12-1, has been used to adjust the 2008 amount for inflation so that the dollar amounts are in 2009 dollars.

What has the War in Iraq Cost your Town?

Yesterday I scrolled down to the Cost of War counter I have at the bottom of this page and noticed that it was $508 billion and counting. I thought I had been watching it closely waiting for the time it would flip over to $500 billion so I could have my raving, ranting bitch about it. For some reason it flipped back to $500 and some odd billion today, so I'm not really to late. If you click on the counter at the bottom of this page it will take you to the site. From there you can plug in where you are and it will tell you the actual costs of the war for your specific other words what your community could have had instead. Here's what my community could have had and will have to do without for the rest of 2008:

Taxpayers in Jackson, Mississippi have paid $127.8 million for the Iraq War thus far. For the same amount of money, the following could have been provided:
28,754 People with Health Care OR
94,637 Homes with Renewable Electricity OR
4,089 Public Safety Officers OR
2,527 Music and Arts Teachers OR
27,779 Scholarships for University Students OR
9 New Elementary Schools OR
1,883 Affordable Housing Units OR
75,352 Children with Health Care OR
21,310 Head Start Places for Children OR
2,623 Elementary School Teachers OR
2,297 Port Container Inspectors

Notes and Sources
Go to Cost of War Counter
Copyright 2007 National Priorities Project

Taxpayers in Jackson, Mississippi will pay $16.3 million for additional proposed Iraq War spending for FY 2008. For the same amount of money, the following could have been provided:
3,656 People with Health Care OR
12,034 Homes with Renewable Electricity OR
520 Public Safety Officers OR
321 Music and Arts Teachers OR
3,532 Scholarships for University Students OR
1 New Elementary Schools OR
239 Affordable Housing Units OR
9,582 Children with Health Care OR
2,710 Head Start Places for Children OR
334 Elementary School Teachers OR
292 Port Container Inspectors

Notes and Sources
Go to Cost of War Counter
Copyright 2007 National Priorities Project

So, no, I'm not in the mood to talk about Hillary and her "southern drawl" speech last night.....

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hillary is Visiting Mississippi Today! Big Whoop!

Ms. Clinton is arriving in Mississippi today to attend a Democratic fundraiser being held in Canton this evening. I can't wait to see what happens. Of coarse all the Madison County people are just peeing all over themselves with nicey, nice comments about "Senator Clinton." gets better...Senator Obama's campaign is gearing up to make her answer for what she said in Iowa. Like I said...I can not wait for this day to draw to a close. :) So much live little time :)

This is what she said:

"I was shocked when I learned Iowa and Mississippi have never elected a woman governor, senator or member of Congress. There has got to be something at work here," she said, theorizing it may be the risk-averse nature of a state built around agriculture.

"I think not only do I have to bring people to me, I have to maybe reassure people here maybe more than I do in New Hampshire, which has had a woman governor," she said.

"I think Iowa poses a special burden, or a special obstacle to me because when you look at the numbers, how can Iowa be ranked with Mississippi? That's not what I see. That's not the quality. That's not the communitarianism, that's not the openness I see in Iowa."
This is the best reply (he's much nicer than I could ever be to her) to it that I can find:

Chip Pickering, a Mississippi congressman and one of McCain's Southern co-chairs, offered lengthy outrage:
"Sen.Clinton clearly doesn't know the people of Mississippi, the people I represent. Her comments were inappropriate, inaccurate, and unnecessary. A candidate for President of the United States should not use stereotypes to define a region of the country. It is sad that a leader like Clinton doesn't understand a state and neighbor, or she simply believes the south is close-minded and lacking in community and quality. Those who seek to lead the entire country should be strong and confident in themselves and in our people."

"Mississippi has a diversity of culture, politics, life, and business — we have leaders across a vast spectrum of backgrounds. Currently Dr. Martha Saunders serves as president of the University of Southern Mississippi and we have elected outstanding female mayors, supervisors, and supreme court justices as well as two lieutenant governors, Amy Tuck and Evelyn Gandy. We lead the nation in the number of African American elected officials."

"This is a state whose generosity, according to the IRS, is consistently higher, per capita, than any other state in the nation with charitable contributions. A state who had the first ever heart transplant, lung transplant, and kidney autotransplant. A state who has produced more awarded and honored writers than any other. Mississippi is the birthplace of the blues, of famous athletes, and entertainers."

"After Katrina, we proved the strength and quality of our communities as a unified, strong, and resilient people. You would think that old stereotypes and myths should be put aside after such an event. This shows the difficulty Democrats will have in Mississippi when a leader like Clinton shows no understanding and no respect for the region."

"To overcome this misunderstanding and prejudice, we invite Sen. Clinton to visit anytime. We are the hospitality state. I'm sure she'll be impressed with our spirit, resilience, generosity, and strong communities. We weathered Katrina with those character traits. We will forgive her old thinking and give her generous grace. We only ask for her to give us an open mind in return."

Monday, March 3, 2008

Southern Politics at it's Finest--Impeach Bush Now!

The business of Southern Politics has been on my mind a great deal lately. The reason this one is worth mentioning is that it goes all the way to the top and he should have been impeached when they did not find any weapons of mass destruction, even though Sadam was given plenty of time to get rid of, hide, move what he did have.

It is, after all, an election year....I can not wait until Summer when things really heat up. While it is shameful and disgraceful, we have been living with it for so long that it is just plain live entertainment to those of us that follow it. Please click the title of this post for the link....and if you are so inclined, while you are reading the story, substitute Bubba, Joe Bob, Linda Sue and Essie Mae for the main characters and imagine the conversations in southern-speak. I guarantee you will be entertained.

Title IX

This post is primarily for my younger readers, a bit of the history of Title IX. You can get all these links and other relevant links whenever they become available, delivered to your inbox by signing up with the Feminist Majority Foundation.

Fall Issue of Ms. Magazine Celebrates 35th Anniversary of Title IX

The Handbook for Achieving Gender Equity through Education

Title IX at 35: Beyond the Headlines, a report by the National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education

Feminist Daily News Wire

Fall 2007 Issue of "On Campus with Women"

Barriers to Fair Play. National Women's Law Center, 2007

Feminist Majority Foundation "Title IX Defined" Resources

Title IX Questions and Answers

Have fun reading :) and remember "those that forget history are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana

Sunday, March 2, 2008

American Healthcare--How Many of You Out There Can Relate?

Today I am directing you to a post written by my friend KAK over at Mad Mad World dated February 23, 2008. Every time I feel myself getting a little complacent I go read the article again and know there are so many others out there taking matters into their own hands so I will once again feel passionately (get pissed off) about it. Also read Stroke with No Insurance for another example. I am wondering just how many of us have done the same things and feel the same way... It is just a pitiful shame that we can no longer afford basic health care in this country. Even if you are poor enough to qualify for Medicaid you have to jump through so many hoops to get treatment and your medications it is almost preferable to just suffer and die. Oh, and you can forget about dental care... Is it just impossible for big business to understand that a healthy workforce is a productive workforce?

Saturday, March 1, 2008

What Has John Edwards Been Up To?

Lately I've been so uninspired. I don't know if it's Spring fever because it's 75-80 degrees and raining here or the drudgery of studying for the licensure exam or the fact that the entire household had the flu...seemingly, even the cats....

Anyway I thought you might be interested to find out what John Edwards has been up to lately. If so click the title of this post for the link.

I am also thinking about shutting this site down. If I did not need all the links here I would. It seems as though I am the only one that needs the links to the information here. I am only getting about 6 visitors a day, no comments and no adsense clicks...what's the point? So what I will probably do is just post enough to keep the scammers away and keep it alive for those that do find it interesting and worthy. Other than that I think I am over it. I think I was over it when my own school implied that all my hard work promoted plagiarism. I still don't understand that comment and never will, but it still hurt.

But then, you never know...I might regain my optimism and sense of humor when I feel better. Anyway, I hope you all are well and I hope you all have a great weekend!