Dear God....
Thank you for letting me have my sense of humor back..... :)
Today I found a site that I am so impressed with I have asked it's owner to marry me :) It is a site dedicated to the blues, of coarse! If I was going to dedicate a site totally to the blues I could only hope that it would come out as great as this one. It is not only informative but it is also beautiful! I mention this because it is a blogger site and it amazes me that anyone could make a blogger layout turn out so well. Please go here to Crossroads Club 27 to check it out. There are many links on the right hand side of the blog that are worth your while. The widgets with pictures of the old bluesmen are great! The only thing that disappointed me a bit was that he didn't include KoKo Taylor in his lineup...but that's forgivable :) Oh, and if you would like some awesome blues art to go with your music check out the totally awesome Grayart's page!
Have a Great Day and Happy Searching!
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