Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How about this for an idea?

About a month ago I re-injured the pinched nerve in my back so I haven't been able to do much strenuous stuff and I've not been able to look for a job. So I'm thinking of ways I could promote myself and this blog to the various helping agencies around town and possibly find a way to work from home doing what I love to do...seek out information for social workers. In my mind, it should be useful/time-saving/productive for social workers to have someone do their emailing to senators, look up the progress on various legislations, etc., etc. I don't want to give away all my ideas here because I've had very good ideas taken from me before. This time I need to make my own money and not let others ride on my ideas. I have so much on here that I think would be beneficial to other social workers and their clients. I've never been one for self-promotion, especially where an income is concerned and have little or no experience doing it, so...I'm asking for ideas as to how I should go about this and what I should say. Should I take specific examples to each agency as some sort of proof that I could make their lives easier? Should I go to the top or try to get in another way like through the IT department. Should I work up possible scenarios where my being able to provide the information in a timely manner would be beneficial to the business workings as a whole? I just want to know what you think. If you don't want to post here in the comments you can email me
dkfaircloth@hotmail.com This is the address I have for all my social work related emails. Thanks in advance :)

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