Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Improving Negotiation Skills: Rules for Master Negotiators

It seems as though Google has decided to link people to this post. I have recently added many links under negotiation for social workers on the Child Welfare page which can be found in the sidebar.

The art of negotiation has always interested me very much. Click the title link for an awesome article on the fine points of negotiation.


  1. Thanks for this--I find I do more negotiating these days than I ever thought I would. Social work is all about the back and forth.

  2. About a year ago I found a diploma course from the University of Notre Dame that is completely online. The lady I talked with was very nice and very helpful. I could never get up the 6k for the price of the course though. It sounded very interesting. She said that they have a good many social workers as students. Here is the link http://www.notredameonline.com/Home/Course.aspx?CourseId=81
